Sunday, November 10, 2013

Girls of The Wild's Manhwa ~ Week 10

This week we were asked to read manga. I have read a decent amount of manga. For this assignment I wanted to find one that wasn't really well known that was kind of popular that I haven't heard about before. I ended up reading Girls of The Wild's Manhwa  by author Hun and artist Kim Hye-Jin.

A brief summary of the manga series:

“Wilds high, it has a history of 42 years as a fighting specialist all girls private high school meant solely for the elite. The place Wilds-League is held, the most popular event in the country, the only place in the world where teenage girls have brutal fights with their lives. This year has been changed into a mixed gender school. The only male student- Song Jae Gu, has been granted a full 3-year scholarship regardless of grades. Being someone who had to spend every moment working or taking care of his two younger brothers, he accepted. However, the scholarship was granted with the sole condition he does not leave. But after meeting Queen, the bloody champion of Wild's-League, drenching her in coffee, calling her a "Monster" and other mishaps could prove fatal.”

This manga has a very common storyline that it shares of a lot of other manga.  One example is it takes place in a high school, which in the manga universe is a good chunk; about 65% of manga produced has a high school or a school environment. Which is is not bad it is just something I noticed that repeats a lot. Another example is a complex love story. What I mean when I say a complex love story is in a normal content there would be in love triangle with two girls that wants one guy. Instead for an example there would be six girls wanting one guy in the storyline. So as you read the story sometimes you don’t know which one the lead male will end up picking. They are there are other manga that are more obvious which girl the lead male will pick.

The artwork on the other hand is really different. It does have some of the stereotypical manga looking elements in the characters. One of the things that makes it stereotypical is how the line work is use and designed. For an example the eyes and how the clothing is designed. For me what I thought was really cool about this manga is the action scenes of how the characters kicked and punched other characters. Also the movement of the characters is more realistic or more believable then others I have read. You can see some examples on the right side of the page.

Another thing that I really enjoyed was the backgrounds and the all the details that was put  into them. In some frames the background doesn’t really exist, but when there is a background they are not boring, and very interesting. You can see that the artist put a lot of detail work into the backgrounds, which for me is really different from what I normally read. Normally the backgrounds are really boring and you don’t really pay attention to the background, they don’t call you into them.

            Lastly in the art section, I wanted to touch on something that’s kind of obvious to this particular manga, which is the use of color. This manga is completely colored. The color that is use is nicely handled and well executed. If this mango was not colored I don't think it would've been as interesting or strong with just the black-and-white line work that it has, it would have lost some pats that made it interesting.

The formatting of it is extremely different from what a normal manga looks like. The page for format is extremely long. An example of the page is on the left and right. I found this really interesting and unique because you're basically getting the same amount information but you get to see more details to the artwork. I feel that this set up is more designed towards the art and letting the art breathe from panel to panel. The chapters in this manga are really short then other manga there are about seven pages per chapter. Which is understandable because all the work detail that goes in each page.

            If you want to read a manga that has action, comedy, drama, romance and beautiful fighting girls that want one nerdy guy then you should read this manga.

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